I am back today with another weekly doodle session. I am not sure if I will do this every week-consistency and routine is not a virtue of mine. I am however, enjoying the challenge of making little sketches of what I have been up to in the week.
Art shows us so much. It highlights the voices in our heads-sometimes the critical ones that whisper, “you aren’t going to share that are you?” I try to remind this voice that creativity is what we love and what we share not perfection.
This week I am greatly inspired by artist Mindy Lacefield. She does wonderful sketchbook pages adding stickers, washi and pulling them all together with color. I keep that in mind a bit here as I play with some of my newer materials and blend in a few stickers and some her washi.
This week we picked up groceries-including some really yummy french bread. I went for a few drives in my minivan which I loved, worked in my garden and my 2 youngest had a blast sledding down the giant mulch pile we had delivered in our driveway. I also took part in a zoom call for Mindy’s sticker club which was just so much fun that I had to draw a little sticker book. I also ordered some goodies for Easter so I added a little Easter basket as well.
I colored everything in and had lots of fun with the colors. I would love to tell you that I have a pink minivan but I do not. White however wasn’t really something I could color so I added some whimsy and painted my van my favorite color.
The same is true for my garden fence-it is not pink although I am thinking a pink fence would look beautiful-what do you think? I also don’t have an arbor-yet but it’s in the works for this year.
Have you done any doodling of your week? Having fun and not worrying about it being an exact representation can really make your art so much more enjoyable and interesting. I would love to hear what you are working on.
This week I decided to film my little process and share with you. I sped everything up and added some music so if you have a few minutes why not pull out some of your favorite art supplies and play along?
Until next time…
-Michele, aka The Dreaming Dilettante