Hello everyone I hope your week is off to a great start. I've been struggling with some anxiety lately and time in the studio today really ...
Video: Studio Art Journaling Session
How is your midweek going? Mine feels productive but if I were to be honest I am itching for some people time. I feel as if I am working up towards ...
Doing What I Shouldn’t
I am doing what I shouldn't be doing. I am spending my time doing things that I love. I am making things that excite me instead of the things I ...
Video: Playing with Watercolors-Create with Me!
You can watch the video by scrolling to the bottom of the blog post. Today I wanted to play with my watercolors. I thought it would be fun ...
Video: Making Our Popcorn Journals: No Sew/No Special Tools
Happy Monday! As you read that we are officially back to home school. Right now I am probably picking up pencils off the floor and trying to keep ...
Video: Creating without a Plan
I sat down to create without a plan. Don't you just love doing that? I wasn't sure what to create so I picked a journal I hadn't worked in for a ...