I’m not sure about you but I am holding on to summer.
Cutting flowers from the garden. Munching on cucumbers, green beans and cherry tomatoes. I have no desire to see fall quite yet and I am happy wandering around in my flowing skirts and slip on shoes.
My working schedule, as a result, has been a bit off kilter lately. We have been enjoying lots of social time with friends and I have been getting more and more involved in our church sharing creative projects with the kids and helping out as best I can. It didn’t occur to me until yesterday, after I was once again beating myself up for missing my upload dates that, “wait, I can change them!”
For some reason, the arbitrary schedule I created when first launching my channels seemed to be etched in stone-a deadline that must be met at all cost. I started feeling myself dragging my heels uninspired to create. I am so grateful for the little voice that pointed out simply, “you could just adjust things.”
Huh, wait, I can do that!
So I did. I let go of some content that was just not inspiring me. I focused on the ones that still are and, I moved around when I will be sharing my content and as a result of feel amazing! I am inspired once again with the content I am creating and looking forward to my studio time which has freed up immensely giving me lots of play time.
And really, as creatives that’s what we need.
We need play time. We need fun. We need to be able to just mess around with our materials without worrying about the end result. Play time is essential to creativity.
So now I find myself, sitting here relaxing with lots of free time to just putter around the studio, have a cuppa and connect with you all. I hope you are finding yourself with some free creative time.
Until next time…
-Michele, aka The Dreaming Dilettante