I am doing what I shouldn’t be doing.
I am spending my time doing things that I love. I am making things that excite me instead of the things I should be making.
I’m ignoring the to-do list in favor of the bucket list.
I’m not working on being what I think I should be and focusing much more on what I know I am.
I’m being creative, I dreaming big and I am making things that cause me to giggle like I’m 5 and squeal with excitement.
I’m breaking away from schedules in favor of authentic sharing and collaboration.
I’m not hustling, bossing, fixing or wearing a crown in favor of being my unique self instead.
It felt wrong at first. Like I should be doing my homework before I go play outside.
Why did I believe I had to do that now?
I didn’t do it then.
I was happy then.
I was free then.
Here’s to making a mess and leaving it.
Until next time…
-Michele, aka The Dreaming Dilettante