Today was a day for doing the planned and the unplanned.
We went up for the town parade which was planned but my oldest two being invited to walk in the parade was unplanned and something they never did before. It was a wonderful experience for them and something I am sure they will remember.
We ended up chatting with our neighbors as we walked home which is always nice. That lead to them offering us their old pool filter for our pool so Scott and our girls are over now visiting and getting the pool filter.
My brother-in-law stopped by to pick up some tomato plants I had for him. We haven’t seem him since Thanksgiving so it was nice to say hello. I tend to have anxiety when people come in my house so unplanned events are actually better for me. My mind doesn’t have much time to work into a tizzy and since it was just decided yesterday he would stop by on his way to something else it felt very low pressure for me and was a nice time.
Now, I am embracing the air conditioning (I get heat sick very easily) and writing to you. I wonder how your day is? Have you been able to embrace the planned and unplanned?
It’s an interesting perspective for me to have since I spent yesterday working in my planner. I am thinking of it more as a container rather than a planner because, as I have said lots of times, I hate to have plans. I love the idea of a planner and filling in the days ahead of time. I rarely ever like the enacting a plan set in place earlier. I never feel like the same person who made the plans. Instead I like to have containers. Something that works as a reminder of all the things that are important to me so I don’t get swept away by my day but not something that is so rigid that I can’t be present in my day.
I am playing around with a new way to incorporate my creative self and my containers and my planner-I’ll be sure to share some updates with you as I get a feel for it.
One thing I am planning on doing is the ICAD 2022 Challenge over on Daisy Yellow’s blog. It looks like so much fun and a great way to have a play with my mixed media and also giving me a container for creativity when I may not be sure what I want to make one day. I decided when I first read about it on the blog that I was going to take part and I was really excited to find that my tea boxes are the perfect container to hold an index card. I decided I would paint it up and have it prepped and ready for June 1st.
I started off just adding a layer of gesso to the box and then some new pastel blue paint I picked up from the craft store during my mini creative retreat. I then added some decorative paper to cover up the embossing the box has and some stickers I was gifted on Mother’s Day.
I am really happy with how it turned out and it was a lot of fun to do. I was working on this project in the midst of others so when I was waiting for a layer of paint to dry on this project I moved on to another one. It is really easy and I love using things that would other wise be trash (or recycled) and making it into something new. If you love the 80’s themed washi tape as much as I do it’s from artist Mindy Lacefield‘s shop! Not to be a total enabler but she has stickers too-scratch and sniff ones 😉
I recorded the process of decorating the box so if you would like to watch and maybe make something yourself the video is just below.
Are you taking part in ICAD? If so I would love to hear! I will plan on sharing my postcards here on the blog so even if you aren’t taking part you can get a feel for the challenge.
I hope this post finds you doing well and that you are able to get a little bit of creativity into your day today.
Until next time…
-Michele, aka The Dreaming Dilettante