I am so excited to share with you the latest updates to the dollhouse!
I have made some really nice progress and things are turning out pretty well. I finished the paneling and touched up the paint. If I were doing it again I would have painted the cardboard the same color as my paneling, in my case white, prior to gluing the paint stirrers. This would have made things easier as you wouldn’t have noticed any gaps that way. It worked out in the end but definitely a tip I will keep in mind for the future.
I then decided to give the floor a coat of white paint to clean it up a bit. I had given it a quick sand first and wiped out any dust with a wet rag. I also glued in the wallboard for the kitchen with the purchased tile board. I added some painters tape to attach it and I was hopeful it wouldn’t pull the paper off but unfortunately it did. I am not too concerned since I plan to put cabinets on the wall as well. The process of purchasing the paper has made me realize that I really want to make as many things as I can for my dollhouse. I was toying with the idea of purchasing stairs and if in the end I can’t make them I will definitely go that route but to start off I am going to give it a shot. There is just something much more satisfying about building the pieces myself-at least for this project.
That being said I am toying around with the idea of taking the wallpaper out of the kitchen and starting over. I am going to think it over a bit and I’ll let you know what I decide.
I have started the flooring in the living room. I am using Popsicle sticks (affiliate link) cutting the ends off with my cutting tool. I purchased this a while ago but as I haven’t used it much it shouldn’t be dull yet. Still I found you can purchase replacement blades but I also found a comparably priced tool with 4 replacements blades that wasn’t much more than just 4 replacement blades. I am going to purchase that and then try out the blades in my current cutter as I think it will be handy to have 2 ready to go. The original I purchased is no longer available but the one I am buying next is here. (affiliate link). Once I cut off the end of the sticks I adhered them with my wood glue. (affiliate link).
I added weight as I went along using various objects I had in the studio to help hold them flat. I will have to see tomorrow how everything glued down. In the end I am alright with the dollhouse looking loved and lived in so things don’t have to be perfect.
With any luck I will get the floor glued down in my next work session and then I will decide on what my plans are for the kitchen-whether I take out the wallpaper I added or not. I also need to figure out the ceiling (probably should have done that before the other projects) and then the windows I think. Once the windows are done I am going to think about the door way to the kitchen and stairs.
So that is all for today. I hope you are enjoying following along with my dollhouse adventures.
Until next time…
-Michele, aka The Dreaming Dilettante
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