The snow that fell so beautifully yesterday is already melting. Typical March snow here in Northern NJ.
I spent the past week working on my iPad as my laptop suffered a flooding. Yes, my 3 year-old leaped into my lap, arms waving as I sat at the table having my morning coffee. The coffee cup was bumped and the liquid inside did the most beautiful jeté out of the cup landing right on the laptop pouring through the speakers. I heard the sizzling.
Thankfully I have always found that paying for the “you break it and we’ll fix” insurance to be most beneficial in my life. Still it was extremely frustrating to be without the laptop this week. Or at least I thought it would be. The laptop returned today and I admit to having mixed feelings about its return. I realized that even when I try to be mindful of the time I spend online not having the laptop made me realize just how much time I still spend online. Time that I could spend on my creativity, reading or with the family. I’ll try and write a bit more about that for next week.
This week I thought it would be fun to share with you my current reading list. It looks large but I am basically including all the books I am actively reading. What do I define as actively reading? In most cases I have started all of them-with the exception of the most recent additions. I also consider them active if I am enjoying reading them and want to read them regularly throughout the week. If I don’t enjoy a book I just let it go, I used to always try and finish them but when I realized how many books I want to read it seemed silly to spend time on a book that wasn’t for me.
I am sharing the books in categories. As you can imagine, in true dilettante style my taste in books is eclectic. I am sharing these titles in categories so hopefully you can find something you might be interested in.
The following books are ones I purchased with my own money or borrowed from the library. The links provided are affiliate links for a site that supports local bookstores. If you use the links provided it does not cost you any more money but I earn a small commission.
The Bhagavad Gita: (I wasn’t able to find a copy for the exact set I purchased so I didn’t provide a link)
I found this set when I was having a day out last weekend. I finally made it up to a used book store that I had never been to and during my browsing I found this collection. In the course of my spiritual studies I have heard of this religious text as it is quoted by many but I have not read it for myself so I decided to pick it up. I don’t see this is one of the books you read to finish but rather you read and let it soak it, read a little more and that soak in. I imagine you have to grow into the person who can understand this work. Much like my second book I am reading…
I have been reading this for about 2 years. It was another thrift store find and I loved that inside was the receipt from when it had been purchased new in the 1980’s and even the original owners name was written inside. I have been reading and highlighting and noting from this book and find whenever I am feeling low or need a spiritual reminder this is one of the 2 go-to books I pick up. In my humble opinion I feel this should be the most read book in the world for those on their own unique spiritual path.
Present Over Perfect by Shauna Niequist:
I am not sure how this book came to me but I requested it from the local library and it just came in last week. I haven’t started it yet and to be honest I didn’t remember much about it but mindfulness is really at the focus of my personal journey right now and I am excited for what this book has to share.
Buddhism for Mothers by Sarah Napthali:
I found this book at the same bookstore that had The Bhagavad Gita. The synopsis on the back was all I needed to pick it up. Only a few pages in and I feel as if the author is talking directly to me and understands me. I am really looking forward to finishing this book.
The Dance by Oriaha Mountain Dreamer: (I couldn’t find a copy of this at either)
I have been reading this book off and on all year. I enjoy it and usually find that I read a few pages before bed. It’s based on the poem written by the author and she weaves her personal stories into the meaning in a really beautiful way.
Lessons in Truth by Emilie Cady:
I believe this book is one of the foundational books of Unity Church. While I am non-dogmatic in my own spiritual practice-so is Unity so it’s a wonderful fit. I find this book to be grounding and inspirational at the same time. When I am struggling reading it feels like I have a strong maternal figure there guiding me along the way and offering comfort.
Hiring the Heavens by Jean Slatter:
This book is wonderful if you feel called to the angelic realm. Since a child I had a strong connection with angels and as an adult I have studied a great deal about them. I love the approach of this book as it is about having an easy relationship with helpers who are eager to offer their assistance.
Little Stories of Your Life by Laura Pashby
This book came to my attention from a blog post I read by Laura Bray. As primarily a fiction writer I find that I am still working on my blogging voice. Finding a way to share in a way that is authentic to me but also engaging and real. I haven’t read much yet but the book is full of gorgeous photos which I think will be very helpful in a new project I have planned so be sure to stay tuned!
The Writing Life by Annie Dillard
I heard about this book when I saw a review for another book and decided to give it a try. I bought a second-hand copy and to be honest I had trouble connecting with the book initially but as I went on a bit it seemed to be a better fit. I’ll keep you posted as to how it goes from here.
Cool Flowers by Lisa Mason Ziegler
This book was recommended on lots of the gardening videos I have been watching. I am enjoying it but I won’t be able to enact most of the practices until this fall which is fine. I am focusing on my cut flower garden this year and will be on the search for books related to bouquets and arranging and cutting flowers. I’ll be sure to share what I find but if you have any recommendations please let me know!
The Darling Dahlias & The Silver Money Bush by Susan Wittig Albert
I really enjoy this series of historical fiction. I had started this book a few years ago-borrowing it from the library and then I went into one of those seasons where I wasn’t reading much and had to return it. So I found a used copy and since I don’t remember where I left off I decided to just start again from the beginning and I’m enjoying it all over again.
So that is what I am currently reading. I will be sure to come back with an update on these books on my next Book Club post. Please comment below if you have or are reading any of the books on my list or feel free to share what you are working on. I also have a link party below if you would like to join in the fun and share a blog post about what you are reading.
Until next time…
-Michele, aka The Dreaming Dilettante