Happy Monday.
I am sitting in a sun filled room, at a messy desk with a cup of tea that is getting cold. There are lots of things I should be doing. I probably should be starting dinner. I should probably fold and put away some laundry. I should probably clean something-or a hundred somethings. I should probably be outside getting some fresh air.
Instead I am doing what I am feeling.
I am feeling that some time with my creativity is where my attention needs to be right now.
I am feeling that tea can be reheated, laundry can always be folded and there will always be something to clean.
So those things can wait.
I am feeling that the call of my creativity really and truly matters.
I am feeling that I have spent far too much of my adult life doing what other people said I should be doing instead of following through on what I was feeling called to do.
I am feeling that that no external validation of me, my work or how I spend my time is needed for it to be a value. For it to be important to the world in ways I could not possibly know or understand.
I am feeling that when one person chooses to do what they are truly called to do they make, in that very moment, magic that ripples out into the world and changes things for the better.
I am feeling that when a creative person does their thing the energy of that inspires countless others to follow suit-like an energetic ripple that tears through the Universe, unseen but felt.
And that each time that ripple touches another and they also choose to do their thing that they also send out a ripple. And so on and so on.
I believe these creative ripples can spread faster than any viral video and best of all-hold lots more staying power. This is where change initiates. This is the fertile soil where dream seeds are planted and hope is inspired in others. Creativity does all this. It matters. Yes yours matters.
Even if you don’t share it with anyone.
Even if no one hearts it or thumbs it.
You see, each moment that a creative person does what they were put here to do-they make magic true and real.
They start the movement of giant cosmic gears to shift and change and bring about light, love and joy.
Your creativity matters so much. Even if you don’t think it does-it does.
It matters to you.
It matters to me.
Here’s to play time.
Until next time…
–Michele, aka The Dreaming Dilettante
I recorded a new podcast today. You can listen here if you like.
This is so inspiring to read. I feel the same, you never know when you just follow your heart and create the things that are in your heart that it will inspire others or touch them in a way you couldn’t have imagined.
I especially resonated with this sentence: “I am feeling that when one person chooses to do what they are truly called to do they make, in that very moment, magic that ripples out into the world and changes things for the better.” I love it!
I’m not sure how you found me, when you commented on my blog yesterday but I’m glad you did. Of course I checked out your site and am thrilled to see you have a blog and a podcast! It sometimes feels blogging is dead and I hate that because I love to read them and write them, too. So glad to have connected with you. – Jaime
Hi Jaime-thank you so much for visiting and commenting-I appreciate you trying again 🙂 I am so glad this post spoke to you and it was after I wrote this that I read your recent blog post sharing your gallery show which really inspired me. I am not sure how I found your site but I follow you using Bloglovin’ so perhaps it was recommended there? I love blogs as well and I feel they are going to be stronger than ever in time. I keep coming across people who feel like we do and love them so much and find them a more authentic way to connect and I am so grateful for that. A few years ago when I decided to let go of social media I was so excited to find that the bloggers are still there doing their thing and I believe we will be joined by more and more over the coming years. So happy we connected and looking forward to getting to know you more through your blog and your art! Wishing you a beautiful day!