How were your holidays? We had a quiet holiday this year staying home just our little family of 5. To be honest this year I wasn’t really in the holiday spirit. I had so much fun making gifts for everyone (and I’ll share what I made in this post) you would have thought I was but it just never really felt like Christmas.
Maybe it was because it had been fairly warm the past 2 months-warm for the Northeastern USA anyway. Being able to go outside in just a sweater in winter feels like spring to me and Christmas should feel cold. Really cold. Like bundle up in layers with hats, gloves and scarves cold. Of course things are how they are but Christmas this year just felt a little less magical for me or rather I wasn’t as connected to the magic inside me as much as I would have liked.
Still I did the best to simply enjoy the day including a little solo walk to clear my head. My oldest turned eleven and Christmas has a different look to her if you understand my meaning. If you are struggling with this as much as my daughter is and I was you may benefit from the lovely Karen Fullerton’s post here. (Be mindful of who is around you before clicking the link though π
So, what did I make this year? Well I made our standard Christmas recipes but to be honest it’s the second year in a row that I really haven’t enjoyed the traditional ham for Christmas and I am thinking we will simply donate our free one next year (and for Easter). I am not sure what will replace it but I will be sure to let you know. Also, comment below if you would like me to write a post about our family traditions and our menu I would be happy to!
Now, on to the fun things-all the makes I made! I found this great pattern from Half Yard Sewing Club (it’s a membership site I’m part of) to make a reindeer and I planned to make one for each of the families on my husband’s side. Sadly the first one I made, well, she was a bit wonky lol (not a result of the pattern-a result of the maker π I still need to finish her but decided (after realizing I made a mistake cutting out the pattern pieces) that perhaps I might just want to find a different pattern as Christmas was quickly approaching. So I did! I found this adorable (and I do mean adorable) reindeer pattern that went together very easily and was perfect for making the bunch of reindeer I had planned. One even went over seas to a friend in the UK!
I will still finish our little Rosie the reindeer and she will be a much loved member of our family-wonky and all. For now though-she’s in an almost done state π
The next item I made is another pattern from the Half Yard Sewing Club and it’s the adorable Maddie doll. I am so proud with how I embroidered her eyes! I was inspired by one of the member shares in the site who made the eyes a little different than the pattern. I did a bit of combining of the two along with my own little tweaks and think she came out super cute.
I am still not a master at doll hair and was going to leave her hair loose but decided to tie them back in the hopes that it will keep everything looking nicer longer. Maddie was a present for my 3 year-old who loved her and gave her a big hug when she opened her. The clothing was a bit harder for me-I didn’t pick the best fabric trying to use what I had in my stash-but for a first ever try at making doll clothing I am pretty happy. I skipped the shoes knowing they would just be forever on the floor but may make some down the road. I also plan on making some extra outfits for Maddie-and maybe even a Maddie for myself.
Another item I made was for my oldest daughter. She’s a felt doll that’s a unicorn so really, what’s not to love right? She came out super cute and my daughter really seemed to love her and I think she’ll make a nice addition to her collection. I also made her this cute Happy Cat which is free pattern from Ann Wood Handmade.
I added a little story to her as well and I think she came out adorable! I will be making more of these for sure. I found some really cute fat quarters from a local fabric store and think they will be very sweet cats.
The other present I made was for my son who loves puppets and may even want to be a puppeteer when he is older. If he is a puppeteer on Sesame Street (like he said he would like to be) I think I would about scream with joy right before asking if he could actually tell me how to get to Sesame Street. I need to meet Snuffy-I mean, I really need to meet him.
I could not be happier with how this puppet came out and think he might just be my favorite handmade holiday gift this year although it’s hard to choose between the puppet (named, “Grouchy” by my son) and the reindeer.
One last item I made for the holidays was a little tea cup coaster for my friend Michael Nobbs. I am not sure if he received it yet so hopefully he doesn’t read this before he has π Still I think he will like it and I used some of the fat quarters I mentioned before to make it. I think I am going to make a few more of these for my desk and next to my chair in the living room.
So that is what I made for Handmade Holiday 2021.
I would love to hear about any handmade items you made this Christmas so please feel free to comment below with a link to your own blog post I would love to hear!
Wishing you a beautiful day!
Until next time…
-Michele, aka The Dreaming Dilettante
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